Here you can you find our latest articles. We are quite slow writers, but if you can't wait to read our next one, you can always subscribe to our newletter and we'll let you know when we have published something new! 😉
We’re travelling and working, so we thought we would also update people on our work/travel experiences along the way and also how we manage not to get too distracted.
We began our travels in Southeast Asia at the beginning of 2023. We decided to experiment with our professional skills and shared passion for travel by designing and building a blog that could reflect our experiences, highlight overlooked historical events, and explore general subjects we found interesting along the way.
Our slow travel pace has also rubbed off on our speed at producing content, but please be patient—we believe you will find our discoveries worth the wait. Join us here, in our newsletter, or on social media, and we'll help you feel like you're travelling to these places, from wherever you are.
Our train ride on the brand new Chinese infrastructure with the whole Football team of Mantha United.